Few Companies House forms could be described as useful. Functional, absolutely. Useful, not so much. But then there’s the RP04 form, a genuinely helpful document that can assist limited companies in correcting previous filing mistakes. In this post, we’re going to look at when you can take advantage of the RP04 form, when you can’t, and how to go about using it.
Please note the following applies to a private limited company.
What is the RP04 form?
The RP04: Second filing of a document previously delivered form (the RP stands for ‘Registrar’s Powers’) is used to notify Companies House that a document, which was previously delivered and accepted, included incorrect information.
The form does not include a field dedicated to what was incorrect. Instead, it should be filed alongside a full, corrected version of the form – this being the second filing.
A limited company files a CH01: Change of director’s details form. This is accepted by Companies House. The director then notices that the service address provided on the form included a typo. So the director completes the RP04 form and a second filing of the CH01 form. These are then mailed together to Companies House, where they are both accepted. The correct information then appears on the register.
What forms can the RP04 be used to correct?
The RP04 can be completed online via Companies House WebFiling when you wish to complete a second filing of the:
- CS01: Confirmation statement – only if you wish to correct a share or shareholding mistake
- SH01: Return of allotment of shares
- AP01: Appointment of director
However, the RP04 and the second filing must be completed via paper for the following:
- AP01: Appointment of director
- AP02: Appointment of corporate director
- AP03: Appointment of secretary
- AP04: Appointment of corporate secretary
- CH01: Change of director’s details
- CH02: Change of corporate director’s details
- CH03: Change of secretary’s details
- CH04: Change of corporate secretary’s details
- TM01: Termination of appointment of director
- TM02: Termination of appointment of secretary
- SH01: Return of allotment of shares
- AR01: Annual return
- CS01: Confirmation statement
- PSC01: Notice of individual person with significant control (PSC)
- PSC02: Notice of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control
- PSC03: Notice of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control
- PSC04: Change of details of individual person with significant control (PSC)
- PSC05: Change of details of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control
- PSC06: Change of details of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control
- PSC07: Notice of ceasing to be a person with significant control (PSC), relevant legal entity (RLE), or other registrable person (ORP)
- PSC08: Notification of PSC statements
- PSC09: Update to PSC statements
What information do you need to provide?
The RP04 paper form is extremely simple to complete. All you need to enter is the:
- Company number
- Company name
- Name of the form that the RP04 is being used to correct
- Date of registration of the incorrect form
- Presenter information, such as your name, company name, address, and telephone number
And don’t forget to include a corrected version of the previously incorrect form.
When should you file it?
We recommend completing the RP04 and second filing as soon as you find out that the first filing contained an error. This is to ensure the public register is updated as soon as possible.
If you realise that a mistake has been made before the first filing has been accepted by Companies House, you must wait until it has been accepted before you send the RP04 and second filing.
Why not just file the corrected form again without the RP04?
When you complete an RP04 alongside the second filing, Companies House will signpost that it was a second filing for the document. The person viewing the register will then know that the first filing contained a mistake (even though the first filing will remain on the public register).
If you file a document again without the RP04, it looks as though the previous filing was correct, but something has since changed.
As a director, you should ensure that the information contained on the register is correct and up-to-date. Filing an RP04 when appropriate is part of this.
Do you need to pay to file an RP04?
Filing an RP04 and a second filing is free.
In instances where the first filing with Companies House required a fee – e.g. the confirmation statement – you will not need to pay again for the second filing.
What to do if your company has signed up to PROOF
If a company has signed up for the PROtected Online Filing scheme (PROOF), Companies House will stop accepting certain paper forms as a security measure.
Given that the RP04 must be completed via paper in most cases, this can pose a problem.
If your company has signed up to PROOF and you now wish to file an RP04, you will need to contact Companies House directly on 0303 1234 500 to obtain a PR03 form. Once completed, this form will enable you to file the RP04.
We can help you file the RP04
Have you made a mistake in a previous filing? Don’t worry. Our team of company experts can file the RP04 and correct second filing on your behalf. Get in touch via one of the below channels and we can discuss your requirements.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 020 3984 5387
There you have it…
Thanks for taking the time to read this post. If you still have any questions about the RP04 form, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment. We’ll then get back to you as soon as possible.