Case Study



Confidence looks like Opretty

How a bottle of spray tan transformed the life of a beauty entrepreneur


In conversation with Natalie Opara

Hi, my name is Natalie, and I’m the founder of Opretty. Before Opretty, I had been in the beauty industry since I was 16. Then I went to work on a cruise ship for a little bit, and that’s where I found my love of beauty. And then from the age of 21, I started doing spray tanning. From then on, I had a hair, spray tan and make up business. So, I’ve been in the industry for quite a while.


Opretty sells cosmetics, skincare, tanning and make up. The idea behind Opretty was that one day I just got fed up. I had about 20 bottles of tan in my cupboard and I liked a little bit of every product. But there wasn’t one product that just had it all. I’ve always wanted my own business, but I just put that to the side after having children. But, I thought life is too short and I decided I would create my own. I liked a little bit of everything, but there was never one product that had it all, so I just started on my adventure of starting my own tanning spray.

My main motivation of starting of my own business was that I always put myself on the backburner, from having my children, I ended up having my mobile business, but having my own salon was my dream and have people coming in and leaving feeling good. I lost both my parents, and that gave me the courage to think life is too short, and that if I don’t do it now, I never will. So, I started my venture of Opretty.

The journey

We started Opretty in the beginning of 2020, and it’s been amazing. It’s an up and down rollercoaster and it’s not easy. But the journey we’ve had so far, I’m really grateful for.

The growth curve

The first year was quite difficult. We started and then we went into the pandemic, so it was a difficult time and we had to manage around that. We then ended up losing our social media, but we got through that. The second year is where I learnt a lot more about the business and we really started to take off. I started to gain a lot more confidence in myself and our product. 2022 was our biggest year to date. I started to grow myself, I started to believe in the product, we started to reach a lot more audiences, and we hit half a million turnover last year.


Trying to stay consistent on the hard days. Especially if you rely on social media, it can be so up and down. But I do believe if you stay consistent on the hard days, there’s always something waiting for you around the corner.


I’m proud of Opretty, because we started with one bottle of tan. We’ve now got a whole tanning range, skincare range, and we’re working on make up. To be able to do that, and be a mum of four who is always being told you can’t have everything and you’ve got to put your dreams aside. And most of all, creating products that make people feel amazing and just lead with confidence. Knowing that I have created a product that has made somebody feel amazing, and just the messages I get from it. Whenever I’m having a tough day, I’ll just go back and read my reviews and messages, and the satisfaction I get from knowing I have made someone feel amazing and feel like their best selves is the best feeling ever.

The future

I feel like it’s only just started, that I’ve only just scratched the surface. I feel like there is so far for us to go, that we’re in a good place at the moment. I’ve really learnt more about the business and the brand. I’m hoping to add hair care one day as well, and I’ll feel like I’ve done a full turnaround.


Just do it. You just never know what you’re capable of until you do it. Definitely keep consistent in the hard days. When it’s tough and you feel like giving up, that’s when you just have to keep going and something better is going to be around the corner. You can never fail as long as you keep going at something.

Using 1st Formations

I found 1st Formations through my sister-in-law as she had a business with them. I found it really easy. Everything was just really straightforward, they were really helpful, and there was always somebody available if you needed to speak to them.

The company formation process

Forming my business with 1st Formations was really easy. It was easy to get hold of somebody. It’s quite hard registering your business, thinking are you going to get everything right. But there was always somebody at the end of a phone call or the internet.

1st Formations today

I registered my company with them and they send me any mail I receive. Any letters that need to be sent straight away are emailed to me straight away.


I was really impressed from the first moment I contacted 1st Formations, because I felt that the team were able to answer my questions and they were able to come back to me fairly quickly so I could make my decision.

Victoria Rennoldson, Culture Cuppa View customer story